The restroom is the most frequently visited place in any type of building. No other area experiences such a high amount of daily traffic and activity. In addition to that, no other place is such a hot spot for transmitting diseases or threatening to destroy your facility’s reputation if it is found in a state of filth and disarray. For these reasons and more, it's important to work with the best restroom cleaning service.
At some point or another (usually for reasons of convenience), we’ve all had the unfortunate experience of having to use a dirty restroom. During your brief visit to such a miserable place, while cautiously tuning the filthy faucet handle with your shirtsleeve, you may have thought to yourself: “It’s not hard to maintain restroom cleanliness. What is this place doing wrong?”
Other times you may find yourself in a restroom that, while smelling strongly of a flowery scent and appearing as if they have a restroom cleaning service, is secretly a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria and disease. When you soon find yourself sick and trace it back to that flowery scented bathroom, you again may wonder what that facility was neglecting to do in regards to their restroom cleanliness.
The answer to both scenarios is that they are not giving the job to a responsible restroom cleaning service. That is, one that understands the basics of the dirty job and one that possesses the proper knowledge of chemicals and cleaners to do the job right.
Good Training is a must for proper restroom cleaning.
A restroom cleaning service that delivers the quality clean that you pay for trains its employees well. They understand that in order to keep diseases at bay and customers happy that pristine restroom hygiene is a must. Even the best germicidal cleaners won’t work properly if they’re applied and then wiped off in a hurry. The best restroom sanitation service trains its employees to know the specific dwell time of various disinfectants inside and out. Furthermore, they follow these basics of restroom cleaning service:- Clean surfaces first, then sanitize for effective restroom hygiene.
- Kills odors where they start.
- Never cut corners by using air fresheners to simply cover up foul odors.
- Carefully apply germicidal cleaners.
- Focus on touch points (such as toilet handles and doorknobs), the notoriously germy areas that double as breeding ground for disease causing bacteria.
Your employees and guests take spotless restroom cleanliness as a sign of respect to them, and they will appreciate it. Outsourcing to a restroom cleaning service that understands the basics will keep customers coming back and employees happy and healthy.

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